Migration to 4.7

The new version of JSQLParser 4.7 is a rewrite in order to simplify accessing the SQL’s Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Quite a few redundant classes have been removed or merged.

As always, such a major improvement comes at a certain cost, which is breaking the previous API. Following the guidance below, the new API can be adopted easily although you are welcome to lodge a support request when any questions or concerns arise.

Values Clause

The ValueListExpression has been replaced by Values, which implements Select Statement and Expression.

The ValuesStatement has been replaced by Values, which implements Select Statement and Expression.

VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.Values
    └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
Values values = (Values) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
FROM ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─AllColumns: *
    └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       └─select: statement.select.Values
          └─ExpressionList: 1, 2, 3
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
ParenthesedSelect subSelect = (ParenthesedSelect) select.getFromItem();
Values values = (Values) subSelect.getSelect();
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
SET (   a
        , b
        , c ) = ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.update.Update
    ├─Table: test
    └─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
       ├─ParenthesedExpressionList: (a, b, c)
       └─ExpressionList: (VALUES 1, 2, 3)
Update update = (Update)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
UpdateSet updateSet = update.getUpdateSets().get(0);
ParenthesedSelect subSelect = (ParenthesedSelect) updateSet.getValues().get(0);
Values values = (Values) subSelect.getSelect();
assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size() );
VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.insert.Insert
    ├─Table: test
    └─select: statement.select.Values
       └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
Insert insert = (Insert)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Values values = (Values) insert.getSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals(3, values.getExpressions().size());

Expression Lists

The class ExpressionList extends List<Expression> directly and so ExpressionList.getExpressions() is obsolete.

Any instance of List<Expression> is considered an Anti Pattern and the class ExpressionList<T extends Expression> shall be used instead.

ItemsList has been removed and ExpressionList is used instead.

MultiExpressionList has been removed and ExpressionList is used instead (with ExpressionList elements).

SELECT Function( a, b, c )
FROM dual
            , b
            , c
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─expression: expression.Function
    │     └─ExpressionList: a, b, c
    ├─Table: dual
    └─groupBy: statement.select.GroupByElement
       └─ExpressionList: a, b, c
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Function function = (Function) select.getSelectItem(0).getExpression();
assertEquals(3, function.getParameters().size());

ExpressionList<?> groupByExpressions=select.getGroupBy().getGroupByExpressionList();
assertEquals(3, groupByExpressions.size());
SELECT ( ( 1, 2, 3 ), ( 4, 5, 6 ), ( 7, 8, 9 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       └─ParenthesedExpressionList: ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9))
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
ParenthesedExpressionList<?> expressionList = (ParenthesedExpressionList<?>) select.getSelectItem(0).getExpression();

ParenthesedExpressionList<?> expressionList1 = (ParenthesedExpressionList<?>) expressionList.get(0);
assertEquals(3, expressionList1.size());

Generic SelectItem

The class SelectItem<T extends Expression> is now generic and various derivatives (e. g. SelectExpressionItem, FunctionItem, ExpressionListItem) have been removed.

Select Statement

SelectBody has been removed and PlainSelect can be used directly

SubJoin has been replaced by ParenthesedFromItem (implementing a FromItem with a regular list of Join)

SubSelect has been removed and any instance of Select (PlainSelect, Values or SetOperationList) can be used instead

    SELECT *
    FROM (  SELECT 1 )
    SELECT *
    FROM ( VALUES 1, 2, 3 )
    VALUES ( 1, 2, 3 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
    └─select: statement.select.SetOperationList
       ├─selects: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │  ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │  │  └─AllColumns: *
       │  └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       │     └─select: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │        └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │           └─LongValue: 1
       ├─selects: statement.select.PlainSelect
       │  ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
       │  │  └─AllColumns: *
       │  └─fromItem: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
       │     └─select: statement.select.Values
       │        └─ExpressionList: 1, 2, 3
       ├─selects: statement.select.Values
       │  └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
       ├─UnionOp: UNION ALL
       └─UnionOp: UNION ALL
ParenthesedSelect parenthesedSelect = (ParenthesedSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
SetOperationList setOperationList = parenthesedSelect.getSetOperationList();

PlainSelect select1 = (PlainSelect) setOperationList.getSelect(0);
PlainSelect subSelect1 = ((ParenthesedSelect) select1.getFromItem()).getPlainSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals( 1L, subSelect1.getSelectItem(0).getExpression(LongValue.class).getValue());

Values values = (Values) setOperationList.getSelect(2);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size());
                  LEFT JOIN c
                    ON b.d = c.d )
    ON a.e = b.e
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─AllColumns: *
    ├─Table: a
    └─joins: statement.select.Join
       ├─rightItem: statement.select.ParenthesedFromItem
       │  ├─Table: b
       │  └─joins: statement.select.Join
       │     ├─Table: c
       │     └─onExpressions: expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo
       │        ├─Column: b.d
       │        └─Column: c.d
       └─onExpressions: expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo
          ├─Column: a.e
          └─Column: b.e
PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
Table aTable = (Table) select.getFromItem();

ParenthesedFromItem fromItem = (ParenthesedFromItem) select.getJoin(0).getFromItem();
Table bTable = (Table) fromItem.getFromItem();

Join join = fromItem.getJoin(0);
Table cTable = (Table) join.getFromItem();

assertEquals("c", cTable.getName());


Any hasBrackets(), isUsingBrackets() and similar methods have been removed; instead the Parser will return a ParenthesedExpressionList or ParenthesedSelect or ParenthesedFromItem or Parenthesis wrapping the object within brackets.

This allows for much better bracket handling.

Parenthesis and Brackets example
( SELECT ( 1 ) )
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.ParenthesedSelect
    └─select: statement.select.PlainSelect
       └─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
          └─expression: expression.Parenthesis
             └─LongValue: 1
ParenthesedSelect parenthesedSelect = (ParenthesedSelect)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
SetOperationList setOperationList = parenthesedSelect.getSetOperationList();

PlainSelect select1 = (PlainSelect) setOperationList.getSelect(0);
PlainSelect subSelect1 = ((ParenthesedSelect) select1.getFromItem()).getPlainSelect();
Assertions.assertEquals( 1L, subSelect1.getSelectItem(0).getExpression(LongValue.class).getValue());

Values values = (Values) setOperationList.getSelect(2);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, values.getExpressions().size());

UpdateSet clause

A List<UpdateSet> is used for any Set clause within Insert, Update, Upsert or Merge statements.

UpdateSet example
SET (   a
        , b
        , c ) = (   1
                    , 2
                    , 3 )
    , d = 4
SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.update.Update
    ├─Table: a
    ├─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
    │  ├─ParenthesedExpressionList: (a, b, c)
    │  └─ParenthesedExpressionList: (1, 2, 3)
    └─updateSets: statement.update.UpdateSet
       ├─ExpressionList: d
       └─ExpressionList: 4
Update update = (Update)  CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);
UpdateSet updateSet1 = update.getUpdateSet(0);
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, updateSet1.getColumns().size());
Assertions.assertEquals( 3, updateSet1.getValues().size());

UpdateSet updateSet2 = update.getUpdateSet(1);
Assertions.assertEquals( "d", updateSet2.getColumn(0).getColumnName());
Assertions.assertEquals( 4L,  ((LongValue) updateSet2.getValue(0)).getValue() );

Statements collection

The Statements class extends List<Statement> directly and so Statements.getStatements() is obsolete.